Capture alignment measurements in 70 seconds. Built-in support for ADAS calibrations and OEM resets. Easy-clamping, no metal-to-metal contact QuickGrip® adaptors. At Universal Mitsubishi, we know the importance of a wheel alignment for tread life and safety.

Improve Tire Life with a Hunter Alignment

Your vehicle comes from the factory with its wheels adjusted for long tire life and safe handling. Over time and from regular car operation, it's possible for misalignment to occur.

Description of Wheel Alignment

A wheel alignment consists of adjusting the wheels of your vehicle so that all wheels are parallel to each other and perpendicular to the ground. Three basic angles contribute to proper wheel alignment: camber, caster, and toe. Camber is the measure of the degree of perpendicular offset from the road surface. Caster is the angle of your wheel’s pivot, which is attached to the suspension, and when this angle is out of alignment, straight-line tracking is affected. Toe refers to the angle of directional difference between the tire and the centerline of the vehicle. The front and rear wheels on your vehicle should always be perpendicular to the ground and parallel to the tire beside it. Routine wheel alignments have the potential to save you money in the long run while promoting optimal vehicle performance.

Benefits of Wheel Alignment

A wheel alignment will keep your vehicle running safely and efficiently by promoting reduced tire wear, better gas mileage, and safer driving conditions. Wheels out of alignment will contribute to uneven tire wear. Uneven tread wear can be felt in a vehicle pulling to the right or left while in motion. Left untreated, wheel alignment issues have the potential to turn into steering and suspension issues, since driving with wheels out of alignment not only puts stress on your tires but also on suspension components. If your vehicle begins pulling to the right or left while driving, or if you feel a vibration in the steering wheel at higher speeds, contact us today for a wheel alignment service.

Restore a Comfortable Ride with Road Force Balancing

Universal Mitsubhisi's Best One Tire & Service provides tire and wheel services that maximize your ride comfort and tire tread life. We offer road force balancing to detect and correct vibration problems caused by weight imbalances, out of round tires, force variation, and other tire/wheel problems.

We use the Hunter Road Force Balancer, a state-of-the-art system that delivers precise results.

What is Road Force Balancing?

All wheel balance services pinpoint tire and wheel imbalance problems like vibration and tread wear. A regular tire balancer measures static and dynamic imbalances that cause a tire to vibrate or shimmy. While a regular tire balancer can correct weight distribution problems within the tire/wheel assembly, it isn't designed to locate other causes of vibration. The Hunter Road Force Balancer simulates driving conditions, like the weight of the vehicle on the tire and wheel while in motion. The system detects weight imbalance along with other causes of vibration that a regular wheel and tire balancer misses. Schedule an alignment and road force balance on our sate-of-the-art equipment today!

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