When it comes to staying on top of your busy life, there are few things as important as a reliable vehicle. One of the most common maintenance issues drivers run into that is easily prevented is a low or dead battery. Doing a few simple things will help you recognize when it's time to take your car in for a battery.
The easiest way to avoid having your battery go dead is to get it tested a few times per year. It's relatively inexpensive to get a technician to run a test to see what your battery power levels are. You can get a precise measurement of the power level of your battery at the current time, and then plan ahead for when you may need to get a replacement.
Aside from periodic diagnostic tests on your battery, it’s always important to get your battery changed if it has ever gone dead, especially if it has happened more than once. While a battery may get jump-started and run well for a time, usually that will only keep it running temporarily.
Another important sign you may need a new battery is if you have issues starting your vehicle. While the starter not working right away could be a sign of more serious issues, such as a problem with the starter itself or the engine, it is quite often an issue with a low battery or a bad battery connection.
Being proactive with checking on your battery and paying attention to the simple signs your battery may be failing will help you avoid getting stuck somewhere. If you have a concern with your battery, our service center at Glendale Mitsubishi in Glendale, CA, offers battery diagnostic checks and can help you understand how frequently you need to change your battery based on the mileage of your vehicle. Going to our dealership will help you be more exact in how you maintain your specific vehicle and keep it running strong.