Three Reasons to Shop for the Mitsubishi Mirage G4
Here at Universal Mitsubishi, we have really been enjoying the newest model from Mitsubishi, the 2017 Mirage G4. It's small, cute, and fun to drive, and, best of all, it's economical for those people who want a brand new car but are nervous about the new car sticker price.
Read More01-23-17
View our Inventory of Mirage G4 Sedans in Glendale!
If you have not yet considered a Mitsubishi car, you’re going to want to start. If you have thought about a Mitsubishi in the past but ultimately passed up the opportunity to drive one, you’re going to want to reconsider. The reason why we’re making these arguments is pretty straightforward, and it has one name: Mirage G4. The new Mitsubishi Mirage G4 is a sedan that will appeal to Glendale drivers, and probably to Californians broadly, because of this vehicle’s dual-threat of affordability and durability.
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